There's more than meets the eye when it come's to rocking a 'stache. They require maintenance, however the amount of maintenance can vary dependant on your desired style. For these styles, we've got two key products that you can use, either our Moustache Wax or our Grease Pomade. We would only recommend the Grease Pomade if you're after some serious hold and taming capabilities!
Here's a quick run-down of some Mo' styles popular at the minute!
The Handlebar Moustache
Featured in our first and most popular YouTube video, the handlebar moustache has recently had a growth in popularity and we're all for it. As with all moustaches, this one is a statement piece and requires a lot of growing, training, taming and balls to wear it!
For this style, we recommend trimming your hairs around the middle of your top lip and growing out the hairs nearer the corners of your mouth. Whilst the hairs are growing out, feather the ends with your fingers and you can give them a slight twist on the end to encourage the hairs to twirl.
Take a quick look at our video on acquiring this 'stache here!
The Chevron Moustache
A popular style among the men with more coarse, denser and thicker facial hair, the Chevron is a style not for the faint hearted. The Chevron is a slightly messy 'stache that sometimes partially covers the top lip.
This one's a little easier to acquire in comparison to the Handlebar Moustache. Requires light trimming & shaping. Simply trim the underneath near your lip to make sure it doesn't entirely cover your lip and do a little shaping up around the edges, sorted.
The Pencil Moustache
If you're after a vintage, 40s look, the pencil Moustache is definitely a go-to. A minimal 'stache, that's kept sharp and clean. This one requires a bit more maintenance than some other moustaches, potentially daily shaving dependant on how quickly your hair grows.
Due to the minimal growth time, the Pencil Moustache shouldn't take all too long to grow, however it can be tricky trimming it & shaving it every day and keeping it looking sharp. Simply shave your 'stache so that it stays thin and sharp, whilst going over the hairs to make sure they don't go above a grade 1. As well, you can use a razor to get the edges of your 'stache to look as clean as possible.
The Beardstache
A simple style, yet one that can add a lot more to a beard than you may first anticipate. A Beardstache refers to a well-kept, trimmed beard, with a longer moustache that stands out from the rest of your beard. The best thing about a Beardstache? You can pair your beard with almost any mo' style you can dream of, so dream on!
Simply grow out your beard, keep it trimmed, neat and to whatever length you desire. Just remember, your 'stache should be longer than your beard, so the longer the beard, the longer the 'stache, other wise it'll blend it and no one will notice. A good example a Beardstache would be Dr. King Schultz from Django Unchained (he's one classy guy too, and a great actor)
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